you'll never walk alone - a groepshow with a first venue @ Portland PDX - oregon - US

You'll never walk alone - a groupshow curated by vanessa van obberghen with a first venue @ Portland PDX - oregon - US

opening on 15th april 2011

featuring works of:

carla arocha and stephane schraenen

Kris Fierens

david gheron tretiakoff

david hominal

moshekwa Langa

alassane babylas ndiaye


roberto ortega - dewulf and david wauters

alex salinas

vanessa van obberghen

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Born in 1970. Lives and works in Paris, France and Sana’a, Yemen The film editor, director, author, performer and journalist David Gheron Tretiakoff is concerned with developments in politics and social life such as the effects of the Algerian war, the perception and identity of the Islamic states and the political and psychological consequences of international terrorism. Questioning the idea of an objective documentation and intermediation of such complex topics his work ranges between documentary and experimental film. Tretiakoff has been living and travelling in the Middle East for years and, as is apparent in his work, he is familiar with the everyday life and the fate of individuals in Algeria, Egypt or Yemen beyond the headlines of newspapers and television. Tretiakoff’s filmic, stage and photographic work has been presented at several venues, including at the Maison du geste et de l'image, Paris, the Fringe Festival at PS122, New York, and the Centre National de la Danse in 2005, at Le Rex, Paris and galerie MAP, Bruxelles in 2006, and at the Musée du Quai Branly, Mukha and Kunsthalle Bern. Member of the French based organization created by Jean rouch, Les Ateliers Varan. Ateliers Varan.

A God Passing

Projection vidéo (2007 - 20mn)

Le gouvernement égyptien a décidé durant l’été 2006 de déplacer la colossale statue de Ramsès II en vu de l’édification du nouveau musée du Caire, près des pyramides. Un cortège pharaonique qui a duré toute une nuit. Le temps pour la population de se rassembler et de fêter dans les paradoxes les plus fous le déménagement de l’ancien Dieu vivant égyptien. Le moment pour d’autres de débattre dans la rue, de contester (seul) ou de célébrer (en groupe) l’autorité de ses dirigeants. La vidéo, aux deux parties très distinctes, montre une radiographie de la rue égyptienne mais offre également une perspective vertigineuse sur le passage des idéologies et du sacré.

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